About us

Sport as a way of life

For us, sport is part of our family history, but also a way of life. It is a relationship with nature, dedication, adventure and discovery. It drives us to achieve every goal with enthusiasm and sacrifice, to never give up.

We love healthy effort, the kind that makes you appreciate the goal even more. It is what makes you step beyond your boundaries and exceed your limits, always a little more, assessing all risks and conditions.

For us, it all goes hand in hand with the love for the mountains.

Our History

The modern dairy

Sport lovers we are, and often our guests too, some more, some less. “Sportivo” is a name that stems from our history: for years we were known as “Il Bar dello Sportivo” in Madonna di Campiglio and we transferred that name to the garni, which opened in September, 1990.

We Stefani have always been a family of athletes: there were those who skied, those who competed in skating, and those who competed in bike races. From the Sixties onwards, this area experienced a tourism vocation growth, which owes a great deal to sport.

In the post-World War II generation, out of five children, four were skiers, of whom one, Michele Stefani, was Gustav Thoeni’s partner in the glorious Valanga Azzurra.

His brother Giorgio – whom we now call Dad or Grandpa Giorgio, depending on the case – founded the Sportivo Hotel: first the bar, then the garni (and before that the “Latteria Moderna” – see below).
Mamma Giovanna, considerate and caring, always supporting him, working hard behind the scenes.

Today we are the third generation, with the fourth… in the making. Working at the garni we are Elisa, Matteo, tireless dad Giorgio and mum Giovanna, with the support of two collaborators. Enrico, Elisa’s brother, a ski and e-bike instructor, is the reference point for all outdoor activities.

We are a united and hospitable family, one that appreciate simple things, but done well.

“Our origin is rural: in the early Fifties grandfather “Richeto” used to take the cows to pasture and deliver milk to the whole village, with returnable milk cans. At some point he chose to build his house here, where he then lived with his wife Francesca, my grandmother.

In 1955, together they opened the Latteria Moderna, a “bar bianco” that sold only milk and dairy products, and no alcohol. When the management passed to my parents, the venue became a real bar, which took the name “Dello Sportivo”. In Campiglio it became everyone’s reference point.

Some old customers still remember it nostalgically, decades later; even Mina, the famous singer, loved my mother’s chocolate cakes.

My father’s dream was to open a hotel and he succeeded in 1990, when the bar made way for the garni with the same name. Gradually I stepped in to help out and then we were joined by my husband Matteo; today it is the two of us who are furthering that dream, putting our own vision into it. My parents continue to provide their invaluable help”.

Over the years we have renovated some sections, upgraded services, modernised the structure and made it more comfortable, but we have been careful never to betray the original identity, that family and homely spirit that our guests note and appreciate, and that keeps them coming back.